Surgical Abortion Aftercare Instructions

Use the buttons below to access our aftercare information. Call us with any questions at 313-538-2020


Medical complications after an abortion at Scotsdale Women’s Center are rare. Most concerns or complications can be handled at our clinic, and always at no additional fee. You may return to SWC on any clinic day to address post-abortion concerns.

We ask that you walk in by 1:00 PM, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. You do not need to schedule an appointment.

PLEASE CALL us with any questions or concerns at (313) 538-2020
EMERGENCY CALLS may be made 24 hours a day

You may download and print the following instructions here.

PATIENTS WHO WERE GIVEN SEDATION: You should not drive, operate heavy machinery, or make major decisions for the next 24 hours.


  • Bleeding will be different for everyone. You may have bleeding like a regular period, you may only spot for a few days, or you may not bleed at all.
  • Most patients will experience heavier bleeding 3-7 days post-procedure.
  • Call the clinic immediately if you soak through two pads in an hour or have fist-sized blood clots.
  • You may also refer to the bleeding diagram on the last page of this document.


  • Menstrual-type cramping is normal and indicates the uterus is returning to normal.
  • To relieve discomfort, take the pain medication provided, perform uterine massage, or try warm or cold packs.
  • Do not take aspirin as it may cause you to bleed heavily.
  • Call us if the cramps are at an 8 or higher on a scale of 1-10 or if you are having severe cramps without bleeding.


  • A rise in temperature can indicate an infection.
  • An infection caught in the early stages can be easily treated.
  • Call us immediately if your temperature reaches 100.4 degrees.
  • Taking an accurate temperature is important! Do not check your temperature within 1/2 hour of smoking, drinking, or eating. These may alter the thermometer’s true reading.


  • Your doctor has determined which medications are best for your treatment.
  • You took an antibiotic before your procedure to prevent infection.
  • You were sent home with Ibuprofen 800 to take as directed for pain.
  • If you were sent home with misoprostol this will encourage your uterus to return to pre-pregnancy size and prevent heavy bleeding.
  • Patients who took misoprostol BEFORE their procedure: Call the clinic if you experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or weakness.


  • Any signs or symptoms of pregnancy that you had prior to your abortion should go away in the first 72 hours after your procedure.
  • Do not take a pregnancy test sooner than 4 weeks after your procedure.
  • Your body’s hormones need time to return to normal levels after pregnancy.


  • Feelings after an abortion are different for everyone.
  • Some people feel sad and some feel relieved.
  • You may contact SWC if you would like to discuss your feelings.
  • You can also go to to explore After Abortion Resources.


  • Your period should start 4 to 8 weeks after your abortion.
  • If you do not have a period within 8 weeks, call us to schedule a follow-up appointment.

You may shower, bathe, and swim as usual.


  • It is safe for you to have protected sex when you are ready, but be aware you can become pregnant immediately following an abortion.
  • If you didn’t choose a birth control method while you were at the clinic you may call us to do so or contact your own doctor.
    • We also carry the morning after pill.

You may have some tenderness or fullness in your breasts, or even some discharge during the first week following your abortion. This is normal and no treatment is required. You will probably be more comfortable in a tight-fitting bra.

SELF-CARE: Buy a box of kleenex, some chocolate, and watch a sentimental movie if you need to cry! Remember to stay hydrated.


  • You experience profuse, watery bleeding
    You have cramps that can’t be controlled using the above methods
  • We have included a bleeding diagram on the last page. Refer to it and call us if you experience
    excessive bleeding.


Birth Control Pills: Begin taking the Sunday following your procedure. You are not protected for the first 7 days, so use a back-up method such as condoms.

Depo Provera (birth control injection): If you are given a prescription for Depo Provera you may return to SWC to receive the injection or you may take it to your own doctor for administration. It is preferable to start Depo within 14 days of your abortion.

NuvaRing: NuvaRing can be inserted up to 7 days after your procedure. You are not protected for the first 7 days, so use a back-up method such as condoms.

Birth Control Patch: Begin using immediately following your procedure. You are not protected for the first 7 days, so use a back-up method such as condoms

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